Idea tuntuu toisaalta kiinnostavalta ja toisaalta ylioptimistiselta. Ensivaikutelmani on, että projekti olettaa liikaa ihmisten hyväntahtoisuudelta ja velvollisuudentunteelta.
Seuraava kieleen liittyvä huomio pisti silmään. En oikein tiedä mitä tästä ajatella. Ehdotus vaikuttaa vielä utopistisemmalta kuin rahaton yhteiskunta.
People will be educated in a much more precise and productive language. The language used by the average person is inadequate for resolving conflicts, but the language of science is free from ambiguities and the conflicts found in everyday emotionally-driven language. It is deliberately designed - as opposed to having evolved haphazardly through centuries of cultural change - to state problems in terms that are verifiable and readily understood by those who use it. Much of today’s confusion is the result of our inability to state problems precisely. When one can state problems precisely, we are more than half way to the solutions.